Termite Inspections, Control, Treatments, Reports
Termite Services

Liquid Treatments
Featuring Termidor products a treatment can protect your most valuable asset for 7 to 10 years.

Baiting System
Featuring Advanace Baiting sytem that contains bait from day one. This low imoact treatment protects your homes without the application of gallons of termiticide.

Combing the best of both treatamenrs. Not every home is built the same and one treatment type is not also the best solution.

WDO / WDI Termite Letters
For Real Estate Closings
120 PEST performs termite inspection for real estate closings. These reports commonly are known as WDI or WDO letters. In the State of Georgia, the Structural Pest Control Commission does not allow the use of form NPMA-33. A termite company in Georgia has to issue an Official Georgia Wood Infestation Report. Our reports include the Official Infestation Report, graph, and any other documents needed. 120 PEST is able to digitally deliver these reports from the field to a closing attorney. 120 understands the importance and speed that these reports need to be completed. Please contact us if you are in need of a termite letter for a real estate closing.