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Seven things not to do when you have bed bugs

1. The first thing you shouldn’t do is panic.

Bed bugs can be controlled with a proper inspection and proper treatment methods whether that be a thermal treatment or a chemical based treatment.

2. Items stored under your bed can be a harborage for bedbugs.

It’s a good idea if you think you have bed bugs to clean out the things under your bed. Maybe dispose of some things you don’t need anymore. Give a good vacuum and just keep it generally clutter-free. This will help the inspector be able to find bedbugs. If you do see evidence of bed bugs, you can put it in a ziploc bag and show it to a professional who can identify if it is bedbugs. We do look for fecal smears, blood smears, skin casts, live bugs, and eggs. So just generally keep your room clean, and it will be helpful to the inspector.

3. Using chemicals in your garden shed.

The Internet’s full with DIY options for you to try to kill bedbugs yourself. Be careful, do not use products that are not meant to be used indoors if you use outdoor, agricultural or lawn products inside your house. You can make yourself your family and your pets very sick. Please read the label before applying any pesticides inside your home.

4. Hey, I ordered this online.

I don’t know what these symbols mean, but it said it kills bed bugs. So let’s try it. Come on. The Internet’s a great place to buy things. We all shop online if you’re going to buy products online, please make sure the labels are in English. If they’re not in English, don’t use them. You don’t know how they were manufactured, what’s inside them, or if they’re safe? So if you can’t read the label just don’t use it. It’s not worth the five dollars you saved.

5. Do not spray pesticides on your body.

Arm’s up. That’s better, no more bed bugs. Do not apply pesticides directly to the body of you or anybody else and less instructed by a doctor. Pesticides are not usually meant to be applied to a person or a pet.

Please read the label and follow all the label instructions and take precautions when applying pesticides in and around your home.

6. Drop the indoor fogger!

Bombs are ineffective and just don’t work. No professional will use a bomb. The active ingredients inside bombs really just chase the bugs deeper into harborages. Bugs can easily hide from a fog. Fogging is not recommended for bedbug elimination.

7. Black bag in the sun

Placing your items your clothes in a black bag out in the sun will not kill the bedbugs. It is a popular myth that you could do this and the bags are going to heat up enough to kill them even on a 95-degree day.

Even in direct heat, the bag still has to get up to 120 degrees and the contents have to heat up to 120. Then it has to be held for four hours.

Leaving your stuff outside in a black bag is just like rolling the dice that you’re going to kill the bedbugs. If you have clothes and you really want to kill them with heat just put them in the dryer 30 minutes high heat. It’ll do the same thing.  Putting stuff outside and by garbage bags is just like rolling the dice.

I hope you enjoyed watching the 7 things not to do if you get bedbugs. If you do have bed bugs or you think you have bed bugs, please give us a call. We are 120 Pest in Atlanta, Georgia. We’ll be happy to talk with you about your situation. We can perform an inspection and then give you a treatment method that’s appropriate for you and your house.

So you can give us a call or look us up online. It’s 120 Pest. We’ll talk to you later. Thank you.


In conclusion, dealing with bed bugs can be a stressful experience, but it’s essential to approach the situation with an explicit and informed mindset. The video highlights seven crucial things not to do when facing a bed bug infestation. From avoiding panic to refraining from using ineffective or potentially harmful methods, the key lies in adopting a systematic and professional approach.

For personalized assistance, seeking professional help from pest control experts like 120 Pest in Atlanta, Georgia, is recommended. They can provide thorough inspections and recommend appropriate treatment methods tailored to your specific situation.

By avoiding the pitfalls mentioned in the video and opting for informed and professional solutions, you can efficiently manage and eliminate bed bug infestations, ensuring a pest-free and comfortable living space.


Can I control bed bugs on my own?

It’s recommended to seek professional assistance for effective bed bug control. DIY methods may be ineffective or even harmful, and professionals can provide thorough inspections and tailored treatment plans.

Why should I clean under my bed if I suspect bed bugs?

Cleaning under the bed reduces hiding spots for bed bugs, making it easier for inspectors to identify evidence of infestations. A clutter-free environment aids in the inspection process.

Are online bed bug products safe to use?

Exercise caution when purchasing online bed bug products. Ensure that labels are in English and only use products meant for indoor application. The safety of products from unknown sources is uncertain.

Can pesticides be applied directly to the body?

No, pesticides should not be applied directly to the body unless instructed by a doctor. It’s crucial to read and follow label instructions when using pesticides in and around the home.

Do indoor foggers work for bed bug elimination?

No, indoor foggers or “bombs” are ineffective for bed bug elimination. Professionals do not use them, as the active ingredients may drive bed bugs deeper into hiding spots.

Does putting items in a black bag in the sun kill bed bugs?

Placing items in a black bag in the sun is not a reliable method for killing bed bugs. The bag and its contents need to reach temperatures of 120 degrees and be sustained for four hours, making it an unreliable approach.

Why choose professional pest control services?

Professional pest control services, like 120 Pest, offer expertise in bed bug elimination. They conduct thorough inspections, provide tailored treatment plans, and ensure the use of safe and effective methods for a pest-free living environment.


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