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Bed Bug Treatment Preparation

The internet is filled with a lot of articles on how to prepare your home for a bed bug treatment. Most of this advice was written 10 years ago and the methods to treat your home have changed since then and so have the prep requirements. Each company will have its own list of things for you to do so it is important that whatever company you choose you to follow their guidelines.

120 Pest has developed treatments that have preparation guidelines that are considered low to no prep. We do NOT require that you bag every piece of clothing and bedding you own and wash it. Our treatments are designed to treat your existing furniture so you will not have the expense of buying new.  Replacing your furniture can quickly cost more than a professional bed bug treatment.

Our treatments are based on the philosophy that the more the area is disturbed the more likely you are to spread the bugs through the house.

This does not mean that your house cannot be clean. We do require basic housekeeping to be done. If you decide to use a thermal heat treatment there are a few more steps because of the heat. Your clothes still stay in drawers and closets and not in plastic bags.

Call us today to find out about a low prep bed bug treatment.

You can download a copy of thermal heat prep sheet here. 

Thermal Heat Bed Bug Preparation Checklist

  • All Pets (Fish, Reptiles, Mammals, Birds, etc.) – REMOVE
  • Live House Plants –REMOVE
  • Ammunition, Oxygen Tanks, and Fire extinguishers – Box and REMOVE
  • Pressurized cans (ex. hairspray, cleaners, carbonated drinks) – Box and REMOVE
  • Corked bottles (wines and liquors) – Box and REMOVE
  • Vinyl Records/Blinds, VHS cassettes, 8mm movie film – Box and REMOVE
  • Crayons, Glue, Arts & Crafts, oil paints, acrylic paints – Box and REMOVE
  • Collectibles (ex. heirlooms, oil or acrylic painting, wax or plastic figures, autograph picture) – Box and REMOVE
  • Musical Instruments – Box and REMOVE (cases should be left) – notify us of any pianos
  • Unframed Photographs (place flat in book, folder, drawer)
  • Candles/Vitamins/Medications/Cosmetics – (place in refrigerator or Box and REMOVE)
  • Fresh foods, perishable items, candy – (place in refrigerator or Box and REMOVE)
  • All batteries should be placed in zip lock bag – (Place in refrigerator)
  • Unplug All Electronics (not appliances)
  • Drain/deflate water beds, air beds, select comfort beds
  • Place lotions, soaps, etc., in tub or sink.
  • All items need to be removed from under the beds (do not store things on top)
  • Inform us of Fire Sprinklers and Heat Sensors. All sprinkler systems should be deactivated and drained if possible.

Before The Treatment

  • High volume fans will be used during the treatment. Loose papers should be organized and stored.
  • High volume fans will be used during the treatment. Loose papers should be organized and stored.
  • Please vacuum before we come. Inform your alarm company of the treatment if the smoke/heat detectors are integrated.
  • Leave all personal items behind. This includes: Purses (take wallet), backpacks, computer bags, diaper bags, and wheelchairs/walkers(get rental). Use a disposable shopping bag to take items you absolutely need for the day
  • Clutter needs to be addressed. Piles of clothes on the floor should be laundered/dried and put away. Do not place clothes or bedding in plastic bags. If your closets are packed full, please organize them so we can successfully treat these items.
  • To ensure you are not leaving with bedbugs wear freshly laundered/dried clothes that has been sealed in a zip lock bag after laundering.

After The Treatment

  • Returning Home • Treatment areas will remain hot (e.g. door knobs, toilet seats, appliances, etc.) for several hours after Please do not plan on spending the night in the home.tment.
  • No one can enter or remain in the area during treatment. Plan to leave for a minimum of 9-12 hours on the date of treatment.
  • This treatment is designed to kill all of the bed bugs and eggs.

Traditional Bed Bug Treatment Preparation

For 120 Pest to provide the best possible service, we ask that you make a few simple preparations before we arrive. The following preparations are minimal but are crucial to the success of the program. If your home requires any additional preparation, we will let you know. DO NOT BAG YOUR CLOTHING, EMTPY YOUR DRAWERS, OR REMOVE ITEMS UNLESS DIRECTED TO.

To Prepare For Service

  • DO clean up any excess clutter around your house or apartment (clothes on floor, general items randomly piled in corner, toys not cleaned up, dishes in bedroom, etc.)
  • DO secure any private, valuable, or other important items. This would also include firearms or collectibles. We will be going through closets, opening drawers, etc
  • DO remove any pets from the interior of the home including dogs, cats, or birds. Please seal any fish tanks, turn off the filter and wrap the tank with plastic wrap.
  • DO be prepared to vacate the home for 5-7 hours once we arrive.
  • DO unlock all doors. All closets, bedrooms, etc. should be unlocked and open for service.
  • DO NOT Place any items on top of beds
  • DO NOT strip linens from the beds.
  • DO NOT move the beds or other furniture.
  • DO NOT put your clothes or other items into plastic bags.

After The Service

  • Items may be sealed in plastic bags during the treatment. Please launder these items in a hot wash and/or dry cycle as soon as possible. DO NOT reuse the bags. Dispose of the bags in an outside trash can.
  • A follow inspection/treatment will be performed approximately 21-30 days later.
  • DO NOT introduce any new furniture before the treatment. We recommend waiting until we declare elimination.
  • DO NOT remove the black monitoring devices that will be placed under the beds and sofas.
  • DO NOT remove the mattress encasements for at least 12 months. Do not remove them to wash them.


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